Clerk & Recorder's Office will be closed Wednesday April 16th & Thursday April17th for Training. We will resume normal business hours, Friday April 18th.

Blog Post

Election Watchers

An Election Watcher is an eligible voter who has been appointed by an authorized appointing entity to witness and verify the conduct of an election.

Land Records Fraud Detect

We recently applied for an ERTB Grant in the amount of $51,303 to update the Recording Public Workstations, Recording Software Maintenance Fees, Document Management System, annual WEB Hosting services and updating the server and security.

This will also cover funds for an integrated Recording Property Alert Notification package for land records.

  • Property Fraud Alert is an electronic notification service that alerts a subscriber via email every time a land records document is recorded with a requested name.

These scams involve:

A Work in Progress

In response to the Portal Plan in Senate Bill 03-336, Senate Bill 04-244 (C.R.S. § 24-37.7-101 et seq.) was passed and signed to create the Statewide Internet Portal Authority. SIPA was charged to create an efficient, effective, and user-friendly statewide internet portal to serve as a place where citizens can electronically access state government information, products, and services, as well as provide e-Government services to state and local governments.

Sale & Use Tax: Motor Vehicles

Motor vehicles are tangible personal property and are therefore subject to Colorado sales and use taxes. However, special rules apply to the taxation of motor vehicles in Colorado. Additionally, the manner in which a motor vehicle is taxed varies depending on whether it is leased or purchased.

Redistricting Continued . . . Timing

Customary Redistricting Timelines

Ordinarily, the United States Census Bureau releases final census population data by March 31st of the year after each decennial census. That release date permits:


Generally: The “one person, one vote” principle generally requires legislative districts at most levels of government to contain roughly equal populations. Since population growth occurs unevenly over time and by location, existing federal, state and local legislative districts must be reviewed at least every ten years, to establish new district boundaries based on current population data as reflected in the most recent federal decennial census. This process is known as “redistricting.”

Dominion Voting System Customer Notice: U.S. Government Intelligence Reports on 2020 US Elections

Below is Dominion’s official statement regarding the Intelligence Community Assessment on foreign threats to the 2020 Election.

On March 16, 2021, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) released an intelligence Community Assessment on foreign threats to the 2020 US elections, finding “no indications that any foreign actor attempted to alter any technical aspect of the voting process in the 2020 US elections.”

Colorado Standard Fleet Registration

Standard Plate for the vehicle type Issued To:

  • Passenger
  • Light Trucks
  • TVW Trucks
  • GVW Tractors
  • Trailers
  • Motor homes
  • SMM
  • Motorcycles
  • Farm Trucks
  • Recreational Trucks

May be Personalized: Yes, depending on plate type.

Number of Plates Allowed: Unlimited.

Weight Limit: Depending on plate type.

Special Plate Fees: Depending on plate type.

State Celebrates Fifteen Years

This year the Colorado Election Official Certification program turns 15! In 2004, then Secretary of State, Donetta Davidson, recognized the need for better training and education of Colorado Election Officials to ensure uniformity in best practices, administering elections, and interpreting laws and rules. The Colorado Legislature then gave the Secretary of State authority to create a training program. In the spring of 2006, county election officials who attended the required number of classes were granted “certified election official” status for the first time.

Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT)

Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) is assessed by the Federal Internal Revenue Service on a fiscal year basis. The taxes collected are used to fund national highway construction and maintenance of public roads.

The Federal government passed a law in 1982 that requires all states to verify payment of HVUT prior to initial registration or when renewing motor vehicle registrations.

Failure to require this proof of payment could result in the State of Colorado losing up to 25% of our Federal Highway Funds.

Saguache County Clerk and Recorder

501 4th Street (Main Floor)
PO Box 176
Saguache, Colorado 81149

Phone: 719-655-2512
Fax: 719-655-2730

Saguache County Clerk and Recorder Logo

Office Hours

Monday through Friday
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


Accessibility Statement and Accommodations